Are You Ready?

Are You Prepared to Protect Yourself, Your Family and Community from Disaster?

From extreme drought, heat waves and floods to unprecedented tornado outbreaks, hurricanes, wildfires and winter storms, millions of people throughout the US have been affected by natural disasters.

You, your family and community could be next!

Red Cross Tornado App

Do You Know Your Risks?

Recognizing an impending hazard and knowing what to do to protect yourself and your family will help you take effective steps to prepare beforehand, respond to during, and assist in post-disaster recovery efforts.

American Red CrossSome of the things you can do to prepare for the unexpected, such as assembling a supply kit and developing a family emergency plan, are the same for all types of hazards – to include natural and technological disasters, as well as terror attacks.  Despite many similarities, each emergency is unique and knowing the actions to take for each threat will impact the specific decisions and preparations you make.

The American Red Cross has developed a series of mobile apps to help you get your family and home ready for a full range of disasters.  These apps can help you monitor conditions in your area or throughout the disaster, and can even point you to the nearest shelter.  You can also let loved ones know that you are safe even if the power is out, as well as learn what steps you should take to offer first aid to your family, friends, pets, and neighbors – all from your mobile device.

You can try these apps yourself by downloading them from the iTunes or Google Play app stores.

Published by Obsidian Expeditions

Based in Jackson, WYO, Obsidian Expeditions provides privately guided road-based tours of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. We are an authorized permittee of the National Park Service.