giveBIG Challenge 2014

giveBIG14 The giveBIG Challenge starts in six (6) hours.

We’re excited to participate in the Seattle Foundation’s Fourth Annual giveBIG Challenge tomorrow, Tuesday, May 6th.

All donations made through the Seattle Foundation website during the 24-hour giveBIG event will be ‘stretched’ by The Seattle Foundation and giveBIG sponsors. This means that donations of any size, big or small, will make an even greater impact.

Your donation will automatically enter you into a drawing to win a golden ticket! The golden ticket will provide an additional $1,000 to your donation and you will win a $100 gift card. The Seattle Foundation will announce the winning nonprofits and donors on social media throughout the day.

Mark your calendar and encourage your friends to donate by forwarding this e-mail and sharing our Facebook and Twitter posts.

giveBIG to the Mooontown Foundation TOMORROW!


Published by Obsidian Expeditions

Based in Jackson, WYO, Obsidian Expeditions provides privately guided road-based tours of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. We are an authorized permittee of the National Park Service.