Arctic Apocalypse

A group of economic and polar scientists warn that the rapidly thawing Arctic and the subsequent release of methane gas into the atmosphere has the potential to trigger a catastrophic “economic timebomb” which would cost trillions of dollars and undermine the global financial system. Meanwhile, billions of people across the planet continue to keep their heads inContinue reading “Arctic Apocalypse”

2012 Was An Exceptional Year For Disasters

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” – Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2012 was the second-most expensive year for natural disasters, claiming over 300 lives and costing more than $110 billion in damages. Long-term, independent records from weather stations, satellites, oceanContinue reading “2012 Was An Exceptional Year For Disasters”

How do you end a story about a day that will live forever?

Do you tell the death count of 24 or describe the estimated $2 billion damage to some 12,600 homes? Do you reminisce about all the times you spent sitting in a musty cellar full of old people telling their own tornado ghost stories that frightened and intrigued you all at the same time? Or doContinue reading “How do you end a story about a day that will live forever?”

Storm Surge & The Next Generation

What is this film about? Contrary to the title, Storm Surge is a not a disaster movie, but rather a film that celebrates the hope, optimism, and self-determination needed to build disaster resilient communities in advance of catastrophic shifts in ecosystems and the related impacts to our weather and our communities. From super tornadoes, droughts,Continue reading “Storm Surge & The Next Generation”